We guarantee all our customers timely and consistent high quality of our products. In turn, we provide our suppliers with reliable prices and good terms of cooperation.
We have many years of experience, the right knowledge and facilities to provide a comprehensive and full service to all our contractors.
Gomak Sp. z o.o. is one of the leading poultry processing plants engaged in the slaughter of barbecue chicken in the 850-1,450 weight range, also offering products such as whole poultry and chicken parts. We have been gaining our experience in the poultry industry continuously since 2004, ensuring that the services and products we offer are of the highest standard. We are constantly improving the qualifications of our staff and increasing and modernising the machinery in our processing plant.
We are a company where good work organisation goes hand in hand with high performance. This is confirmed by the HACCP and BRC quality management system in place. This system ensures that hazards are eliminated at individual stages of production. With the aim of guaranteeing the safety and required level of quality of the products on offer, and meeting the needs of consumers.
Our greatest asset is the production of barbecue whole poultry in weights of 850-1,450, cooled with cold air bypassing the water slug with visible epidermis